Here is a sample chain letter for your reading pleasure.  The rule here is, if it looks like a chain letter, it probably is one, so don't pass it on!
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 There's an email circulating around the web that many NeoPet owners are getting.

If you got this email - ignore it - do not send it to anyone else. There are no free "neggs" being given out.

It is an email scam.

Here is what the email looks like:

Dear Neopet user, Lately neopets has been getting to crowded and we need to delete some of your unused accounts. You must send this to at least ten people otherwise you account will be frozen. If you do send this message to ten people you shall receive five free neggs. Sincerely, The Neopet Advisory Team *Note this is not a scam! I was just told to do this

As I said - this email is a scam. It is not real. Someone started it as a prank and it is making its way around the Net. If you receive this email do not forward it to your friends and fellow NeoPet owners. You will not be getting any free neggs for your efforts.

Email scams and hoaxes are quite common around the net. It has been confirmed by sources at that this email is indeed a hoax and was not started by anyone at assures me they are far from crowded and welcome new NeoPet owners! Your account will NOT be frozen if you do not forward the email.

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