Avoid Email Scams

Last Updated: Sunday, March 3, 2002 10:48 AM Neopian Standard Time

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#11 - Email Scams

Outside Email Addresses

BEWARE of Email or Web Addreses OUTSIDE NeoPets!

Be VERY careful of ANY sites that claim to be affiliated with neopets.   ANY email or web addresses outside of Neopets is most likely a scam. 

Here is Case Study 1:

I recently got an email from neopetslottery@hotmail claiming I won the lottery. Well, I have a couple accounts and I bought a ticket on one but not on this one. However, the email was directed to this account telling me to send my account name and p.wrd to neopetslottery@hotmail. I knew it was a scam, I mean, why would I have to send my username to them if they worked at neopets? 

brought to my attention by tigergirl -- Don't fall for email scams!


Here is Case Study 2:

Get your neopoints tripled! A really cool glitch that works! Just send me your user name and password and have your np tripled! And get a free items too! You have to have the item originaly and get it tripled and you can sell it! If you have a rod of nova you can get three! And sell them at the original price! But it only works one time so e-mail me at majorglitchyo64@hotmail and tell me what item you want tripled!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

brought to my attention by Kelly (6/1/2002) -- Many thanks to Kelly for this example. Don't fall for these outside email addresses promising free np or neoitems. You'll just lose your neopets accounts. Even if the scam is true, the staff will freeze your account anyway for cheating. So it's a lose-lose situation!

Also here is the most recent info posted on the Neopets News on November 26, 2001:

IMPORTANT - The Neopets Team will NEVER contact you over AIM or MSN Messenger to ask for your password. Anybody posting that is trying to get into your account. If you see anybody doing so on the message boards we ask you to e-mail us immediately, and warn the other people on the board about the scammer! Thanks!

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Don't be scammed into changing your Email Addresses

The email address you used to sign up for Neopets is VERY important.  Don't let any scammers talk you into changing it.  The only time you should EVER change it is because your old email address no longer works and therefore you're updating it with your current one.


So don't let ANY one convince you to change your email address, otherwise don't be surprised if you lose your Neopets Account to a scammer.

Why is your email important?? 
#1 - Neopets Staff uses this email address to send you your password if you ever forget it.
#2 - If you pets are coming out of the Neolodge, your pet sends you an EMAIL warning you that they are about to come out of the lodge
#3 - Neopets Staff uses this email address to contact you if they have any problems with your account.

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