Other Scams
Last Updated:
Sunday, December 29, 2002 5:16 PM
Neopian Standard Time
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Other User Submitted Tips on how
to avoid losing your account
Case Study #1 - ALWAYS LOG OFF!!!
This was reported to me
by Rachel. She lost most of her NP because she was
in a rush and forgot to log off a public computer after
she played Neopets.
well, I'd like to tell
you about something that happened to me on Neopets. I was
on Neopets in School when suddenly the school bell rang
and I had to rush off to my lesson. The next week I went
on holiday and when I came back I realized that the 76,000np
that I had been saving up had gone. All I had left was 200np.
I had forgotten to log off the computer. So I'd just like
to say that if you ever go on and someone else is logged
in, dont take their points, log off their account. Although
you aren't scamming, you are taking advantage and it's a
really nasty thing to do.And always remember that if you
are in a public place always log off.
So ALWAYS LOG OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was reported to me by
Andrea. She accidentally mistyped Neopets.com to Neopests.com
and yet everything was ok.
i mis-typed the url of Neopets
and instead of putting www.neopets.com if put in www.neopests.com.
well, i thought this was ok and all, and it said i needed to
login. I did, and did neopets business as usual. It must have
been a very good scamming site because when I signed out, i
needed to do something in neopets again. So I went to www.neopets.com
and found out I was still logged in. So I went and hurried and
changed my Password and thank god nothing was stolen! I just
wanted to report this just incase someone else mistyped!
Neopets.com has more than
one domain name. Neopets.com bought several similar domain addresses,
including Neopests.com, ihateneopets.com, and many other funky
names. I guess the creators tried to think of as many variations
scammers might use if they wanted to scam other Neopets users.
But in this case, Andrea made the right move in changing her
password. But currently, as of May 15, 2002, Neopests.com is
also part of Neopets.com. But still, when in doubt, always log
in to the REAL Neopets.com and change your password.
This was reported to me by
Brooke. She was surfing around and stumbled upon a site
that talked about Neopets. The site claimed to help you earn
lots of neopoints if you give them your password so that they
can install a foreign software into your account. DON'T fall
of this! It's just another scam. Here is the email from Brooke:
I found a Neopets site which offers
"lots and lots of NPs and items" as long as you give
them (the usual - Neopets won't let us use certain words on
Neomail) so they can "install" the program into your
account. I also reported it to the Neopets staff, but I don't
know if they can do anything about outside sites. Perhaps you
could warn others about this specific site, though.
The site is found here:
If you would like, you can list this on your AvoidNeopetsScammers
site to warn others. Hopefully this website can be stopped.
Don't ever give away your
password. This CANNOT be over-emphasized. Even if these website
is true, you're violating the Neopets Terms of Service by adding
a foreign software into your neopets account. I highly doubt
anyone can INSTALL a software into your account anyways. So
be smart like Brooke and just report it to the Neopets staff
and ignore the website.
SCAMS (8/15/2002)
This was reported to me by
Caitlin. She's sharing an experience her friend went
Well, she went to someones user lookup
and it said that if you have 30,000nps exactly on you, and you
go to their shop or anyone elses, right click on an item (and
that message will pop up that says to left click), then press
enter for about 10 seconds and a page with lots of paintbrushes
will pop up and you can choose a few and get them for very cheap.
it was a scam. luckily she had gone to someone elses shop and
only ended up buying a faerie and not something more expensive.
Don't get caught up by greed.
If it's too good to be true, it probaby is. Right-mouse clicking
has been disabled by the Neopets staff in people's shops. So
if you CAN right-mouse click in someone's shops, it means it
belongs to a scammer and you should report it ASAP to the Neopets
Staff by clicking on the "report shop" link at the
top of the page.
Case Study #5 - SCAM CODES (8/30/2002)
This was reported to me by
Anonymous. This person is sharing an experience he had
on Neopets:
I haven't seen this scam warning
at the scams section so I'm here to warn you. There is this
new scam where the scammer will tell you to put some code on
your user description, so you can change your country to "-deletedland";
etc... But that code reveals your password! That's how my other
account got hacked, so please, warn people about it! Thanks!
I never got my account back. =(
Be super careful NOT to put
in any strange codes into your Neopets fields. The Neopets staff
will just think you're trying to find ones to tinker with their
system. The only codes that are acceptable are Neopets, HTML,
and CSS codes. Don't use any other foreign codes, it's not worth
losing your account over.
Case Study #6 - ITEM EXCHANGE (9/1/2002)
This was reported to me by
Michelle. She was a newbie when this happened.
i was a newbie for about 2 days and
i was at the chat place. this dude said that if we came to his
shop and bought 2 expensive items he will give you a more expensive
item for free. well, just my luck and i fell for it. never got
the item that he promised but i sold those 2 things i got in
my shop and got my money back.
Although someone might seem
really nice and really willing to help you, don't lose your
edge in a transaction by giving away your neopoints first. If
this dude really was geniune about giving away good stuff, then
the dude should have recommended the TRADING
POST. At the trading post, everyone is equal. No transaction
is complete unless both parties are happy with the items and
neopoints up for offer. Going to the trading post is the best
place to be to insure a SAFE and FAIR transaction to both parties.
Case Study #7 - FRIENDS (12/9/2002)
This is an advice sent in
by hankerchief. Here is her message:
I urge everybody to go on the Wall
of Shame on Neopets. Everyone's in a rush to make neopoints,
but if you read it it just might save you a lot of money from
scammers. I almost got scammed myself once. It was at my good
friend "atwoz"'s house. We were both into getting
money when he got off the internet and showed me something a
lot like your password scam case 2. He said if you changed your
(i cant say it but you all know) to a certain thing, he would
give you something like a million neopoints. Now, I know atwoz
better than you do, and even though he was my friend, I knew
that he would take my account if he had the chance. I said no,
and convinced him not to send it out, because "It's a lousy
thing to do." I didn't know if he would scam or not, but
I think he would have. Anyway, DON'T FALL FOR ANYTHING. CHECK
remains unfrozen, but the next time he does something like that,
I will report him. Thanks for alerting everyone on this selfish
way of playing a game.
Great words of wisdom by hankdercheif.
Even friends walk down the wrong path sometimes. So be careful
of any friends at Neopets that is willing to scam or cheat to
earn extra Neopoints. A good friend would never cheat or scam
at anything. Also if you share the same computer with someone
who cheats or scams, there's a good chance that the Neopets
Staff might freeze all accounts associated with that computer.
If anyone in your family scams or cheats, it's a good idea to
ask them to stop or else you might have your accounts
frozen too. If you're afraid to ask them to stop, then contact
the Neopets Staff and write
to them regarding the situation and ask them for help.
Join the Fight against
Scammers! Place my banner in your shop, pet's page,
or website!!!