Scam Conversation

Incident : August 2002

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Here's a transcript of a conversation that happened on a chatboard. I have deleted the names of the Victim and Scammer. I have also deleted any mention of neoids and passwords.


I was browsing the chat board and came across this person who said they had a way to give you 500kNP

Victim: hi, i saw your message
Victim: i want 500k
Scammer: ok
Scammer: hold on
Scammer: ok
Victim: ok
Victim: so.....
Victim: how does it work?
Scammer: i put it on ur account
Oh, you put it on my account, I see....
Victim: oh
Scammer: and then it gives u 5k every 2 hours
Victim: is it some kinda program?
Scammer: ya
Victim: oh really?
Well, after reading that last link on's Scammer section , this was my give-away.
Scammer: yep
Victim: can u send me the program?
Scammer: no
Victim: oh, it's unsendable
Scammer: yea
Scammer: u want it?
Victim: how exactly does it work?
Victim: sorry, but there's alot of Scammers out there
Scammer: can u chnge ur background color?
Victim: huh?
Victim: oh! sure
Scammer: like this
Victim Commentary: She ment the background color on AIM. It was blue, so she could read my name.
Scammer: yea
Victim: my friend made up the name
Victim: lol
Scammer: ok
Scammer: so do u want it on ur account?
Victim: i gotta think, how does it work?
Scammer: i just go on ur acount
Scammer: and then i jus wait 6 minutes and it will do it for 4 days
Victim: oh, hmmmm, ya i guess so
Scammer: ok
Scammer: i wont scam you
Victim: ok
Scammer: i have 519,000 NP
Scammer: so yea
Scammer: it has to be on ur main account tho
Victim: ok
Scammer: so, what is it?
Victim: it's:
Victim: username: -deleted-
Victim: password: -deleted-
Victim: get that?
Scammer: it says bad password
Scammer: change it to something like kitten, ok?
Victim: oh, well, let me check... it should have worked
Scammer: ok
Scammer: just let me noe when u r done
Victim: ok
Scammer: so, is it kitten?
Scammer: hello??
Victim: almost done, sry, i was playin a game and i had to finish first
Scammer: ok
Victim: ok, it's done
Scammer: ok
Scammer: whats the password?
Victim: kitten
Scammer: ok
Scammer: i said it cant be a newbie account
Scammer: you have any other accounts?
Yes, a very rich one actually, but I won't tell you the name for money.
Victim: hmm, ya
Scammer: well,
Victim: ok:
Scammer: i need on that one'
Scammer: as long as it is older than 2/3 weeks old
Victim: oh, it's about a week old....
Scammer: oh
Scammer: do u have about 1,000nps on it?
Victim: but i'm pretty good on it
Scammer: ok
Victim: username:
Victim: -deleted-
Victim: password:
Victim: -deleted-
Scammer: i cant do it, sorry
Scammer: actually
Victim: duh, neopets doesn't run off a 'program!!! u gave yourself away right there and then, when you said it was a program! scam!!! u will be reported. AND this conversation will be sent in to
Scammer: i was gonna give you a petpet!!!
Scammer: OMG
Scammer: ok bey
Victim: i'm sorry, but neopets does NOT run of a program
Scammer: plz!
Victim: a 'program will nOT work on it
Scammer: do NOT report me
Victim: okok
Victim: i won't
Scammer: g2g
Victim: but i'm not fallin for this
Victim: and the conversation is still being sent. (don't worry, i won't report u)




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