AOL / Instant Messenger Scams

Last Updated: Sunday, March 3, 2002 11:06 AM Neopian Standard Time

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Don't fall for scams when you are talking to a total stranger!!!  So many people have fallen victim to a chatrooms outside of Neopets.  Don't GET GREEDY!  Don't fall for their false promises.   If they ask you for your password or tell you to visit a page outside of Neopets, you can kiss your Neopets account goodbye.  So don't talk to anyone on those instant messengers unless you know you can TRUST them.  And remember NEVER GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORD to anyone!


Case Study #1 - AOL messages

This was reported to me by Maria.   She was on AOL when she saw these messages:

Resident Evilnes: New Hidden Bank! Receive up to 1,000,000 neopoints!  (note from maria: the url of the link was

Hydr0blade: I have 15 programs! 20k each! The website for 265 programs is 200k! Im me for more details! The hacking program is 150k! ( NO IT IS NOT WEBCRACK )

Well I checked it out and visited the so called hidden bank.  Let's see, just another fake login screen.  The only thing that drives people to falling for these scams are GREED GREED GREED!  So don't be GREEDY.  Earn money the RIGHT way.  Cause no one is going to help you if YOU FELL FOR a fake login in screen AFTER ALL the WARNINGS that were given to you.  So save yourself some trouble, be smart, don't fall for this type of stuff. ^_^

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Now onto the 15 hacking programs.   Well don't do it!!!  Neopets Staff aren't stupid.   They're going to figure it out that you were using hacking programs to get an unusual amounts of high neopoints.  So you might as well kiss your account goodbye.   PLUS what gurantee do you have that those hacking programs don't have viruses in them???  I mean, you give the person 200,000 NP, then you install a totally foregin software onto your computer.  There's no telling WHAT this software will do to your system.  So be smart, don't be GREEDY and ignore all those instant messenges that try to earn you Neopoints the easy way.



Case Study #2 - Chatroom Conversation

This was reported to me by Brault.   He forwarded a conversation of scammer he had with a scammer. To read the conversation, click here.




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