Avoid Chain Letter/Neomail Scams
Last Updated:March 3, 2002 10:26
AM Neopian Standard Time
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Chain Letter Scams
- Beware of neomails that
sound too good to be true. There are many neomails scams in
disguise. So this section will help familarize you with
what is out there.
Study #1
Report any mysterious neomails
to abuse@neopets.com
Case Study
#2 (exact copy of scam neomail below)
(O.k. First I want
to Note This Isn't my program, Don't Give me credit for
it) Anyways.............I just Got 500,000,000 Np From This
Guy Named George Basset This is sooooo Cool Man.....I Had
25,000 Np So It Started Multipling My 25,000 Np By 20,000
Np (25,000 X 20,000=500,000,000) So That Is It.......Oh
Yeah The Website is : www.geocities.com/codys_room_inc/BeARichNeopian.html
Have Fun
Case Study #2 doesn't
seem like it's a "chain" neomail scam, but it
is still a general neomail scam. It is soliciting
you to visit a site OUTSIDE of NeoPets to earn Neopoints
through manipulation of NeoPets programming. I have
saved a copy of the above listed website for your
reference (just in case the original one gets taken
If the person was geniune
about helping someone earn money, he will NEVER ask you
for a username or password, nor will he manipulate ANY type
of NeoPets HTML.
Case Study #3 (exact copy of
scam neomail below)
Dear NeoPets Member,
as you may have noted, we have recently reached our goal
of 16 million Neo Pets Members! As part of this special
commemoration, we would like to thank you and all of the
other Neo Pets members by holding a special contest. In
this contest we put all of the names of the Neo Pets members
into a computerized randomizer, then this computer randomly
chose a name. We would like to be the first to congratulate
you, you have won!!! This prize package includes 100,000
Np, the complete set of faeries, and the complete set of
codestones. To send you these prizes though, we must receive
your p word. This is because of two reasons, the first is...
we have created a special software that enables us to send
money, since the software requires both the sender and the
recipient to be on, we need to sign on to both accounts
at the same time. The second is... when you register to
neopets we DO NOT keep your p word, this is because we feel
it is unfair to you that we know your confidential information.
Please reply shortly to Neopetdatabase@hotmail.com in the
e mail make sure to include your p word and screen name.
The Central Database of Neopia
Case Study #3 is a classic example
of how scammers use the current condition of NeoPets to
their advantage. So be aware of what is happening
in NeoPets so you don't get scammed into a convincing neomail.
REMEMBER, the NeoPets Staff NEVER asks you for your password!!!
If they ever did, I would report the incident to abuse@neopets.com
It's better to be safe than sorry.
Case Study #4 (exact copy of
scam neomail below)
To neopets member
We have decided to delete
unused accounts. Send this message to 10 other people or
your account will be deleted, you will get 5 sneggs for
sending the message.
Case Study #4 is one of
the most basic chain letter scams. They use the fear
tactic to scare you into sending chain neomails around neopets
to slow down the Neopets Server. In reward for your
fear, they promise you free neoitems.
REMEMBER, the NeoPets
Staff NEVER delete accounts!!! They just freeze them
=P Yes, I've got my account frozen before too, I know
the fear. But with time, patience, and NICE emails
to the staff, they will open the account again.
So don't forward chain neomails on!!! It's a waste
of your time, your neofriends' time, and it slows down the
Neopets Server!!!
Submitted to Gemele.com
on 10/06/2001
More Case Studies on the way as I find
Join the Fight against
Scammers! Place my banner in your shop, pet's page,
or website!!!