Avoid Fake Login Pages

Last Updated: Tuesday, May 14, 2002 11:27 PM Neopian Standard Time

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#2 - One of the MOST common ways for people to lose their accounts are to FAKE LOGIN pages.  Now it's one thing that you try to avoid them, it's another thing that YOU KNOW how to spot them!!!

Lesson 1 : Fake Login pages are most commonly found in people's SHOPS. 

Lesson 2:  If you notice a Faerie PaintBrush going for 1000 NP instead of 100,000 NP, it's most likely a scam.   So if it's too good to be true, it probably is.

Lesson 3: How do you know if the login page is a fake??  Well, this is up to your Internet expertise.  But a good rule of thumb is if you go to a shop, click on something that is cheap, and then the next page is to ask for your LOGIN name and password, it probably is a FAKE LOGIN page.  

However, to recognize a fake one, you must first understand what a TRUE GENUINE Login Page is suppose to look like:  (As you will note, the URL is always http://www.neopets.com/loginpage.phtml

login_page.jpg (155813 bytes) (you can click on image to enlarge it)

Recognizing and understanding URLs will help you avoid a bunch of scams on the Internet.  If you see a Neopets page, but the URL starts with something other than www.neopets.com then you have been transferred to another website and you will be giving away your password to a scammer.


I just got informed that this shop is a scam. http://www.neopets.com/browseshop.phtml?owner=hellokitty2190

Take a close look at the image below so that YOU don't get scammed by other people like this:

fake_shop.jpg (297895 bytes)

The image above points out signs that this shop is a scam shop.  You can tell that by hovering over the item for sale, it will be taking you to a site OUTSIDE of NeoPets.

Below is the CLASSIC FAKE LOGIN PAGE screenshot:

fake_login_page.jpg (259049 bytes)

As you can see, the URL is NOT http://www.neopets.com/  So if you LOGIN here - YOU WILL LOSE YOUR ACCOUNT!!!!  This is why it's VERY important that you know EXACTLY which URL you are going to.  If you have your web browser set at FULL SCREEN, you won't know when you are being scammed until it's too late.

This is the end of the Fake Login Case Study.   This information was brought to my attention by (alex_ng_leo).  He entered his username and password to the fake login page, the next thing he knew, he no longer had access to his 2 month old legitmate neopets account.

So BOO on hellokitty2190
Boo On Scammers




I was informed via email of the scams going on in AIM or other instant messengers.   Basically people are scamming others outside of Neopets again.  DON'T FALL FOR IT!

Below is a sample of a "Hidden Bank" given to people in AIM chatrooms.  Let's see, hmmm ... it's asking you to visit a site OUTSIDE of Neopets.  It's promising your a million NP.   Oh but let's see!  It's asking you to log-in!!!!!!!!!  DON'T DO IT!!!!!   This is another example of a Classic Fake Login Screen.  Don't be greedy!   It's NOT worth giving your account away!

hidden_bank.jpg (245696 bytes)



There are some pretty creative fake login pages out there. So don't fall for them! Here's a personal experience from a Neopian that lost over 100,000 NP because he visited a shop and the link took him to a page saying that he access to the entire grundo warehouse if he just enters his username and password. Well, you can all guess what happened after that.

I got kicked out of my account once because I visited someone's shop and there was a pop-up thing saying you have entered grundo's vault. It said i could have anything and everything I want and all I had to do was give my username and my pa$$word. 2 seconds later it was adios account! I mean, I had nearly over 100,000 np's! Just wanted to share, just incase you didn't know about that yet. I'd hate the thought of someone getting kicked out of their account.=)

So be smart and remember, when something is too good to be true, it probably is. Also should Neopets have a glitche and allow you to get a lot of neoitems at once, your account will probably get frozen anyways, cause that's what happened when the Coltzan's Shrine first came out. The Shrine had a glitche and people could get stuff over and over again just by refreshing the page. Well that lasted about 2 hours and then all the accounts that took advantage of that got frozen. So be smart and don't be too greedy ... although it is VERY tempting ~_^ But fight the urge! You just might be able to keep your account around longer ^_^



This is a very serious problem. Cookie Grabbers are similar to fake login pages.

Ok what it does is same a fake login page with the clicking on the item BUT It takes you to one of them Error pages that you click BACK on when you do it takes you to a dummy shop set up let the one on neopets. But only if you try to buy something It copy the Cookie file with your info one it to a database. They remove there cookie and put yours in and go to neopets then They are all ready login as you. They still can't see your PW but they don't need to It's all in the Cookie file. SO watch out !

So if you are at someone's shop, and you buy an item and IMMEDIATELY you get taken to another page that "cannot be displayed" then there is a chance that you were at a cookie grabber site. At this point, CLOSE your browser, close everything. quickly go into your browser function and delete your cookies. Then go back into Neopets and change your password. Then report that shop to the Neopets Staff ASAP (you can do so by using the report shop function). Be VERY careful with this scam because it doesn't take much to lose your account to a cookie grabber scam.


So does this mean any cheap/bargain items I buy from a shop will be a scam???

No, this is not true.  Some shops really do sell legitimate neoitems at great bargain prices.  I've accidentally priced something for 5000 NP at 500 NP myself   because I accidentally left out a "0".  Yes, I hit my head against the my keyboard several times for making stupid mistakes.  Heck, I sold a cheese omelette for 10 NP when it should have been for 3000 NP, becuase I didn't do my research and realized that cheese omelettes are going for the 3000's.  But it's MY mistakes and I won't take it out on the buyer of my items. 

The key is as long as (1) you weren't taken to a Fake Login page (or ANY page that asks for your username and password) right after you bought the item, (2) you have received the item in your inventory, and (3) the proper amount of NP was deducted from your account, then you were not scammed.



Boo On Scammers
Join the Fight against Scammers!  Place my banner in your shop, pet's page, or website!!!


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